Let's Talk About SexвЂEducation
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When you talk about the Dutch health council becoming an international laughingstock if they take this poor level of evidence seriously it reminded me that the Cochrane collaboration have done exactly that in their reviews of CBT and GET. They also rated the PACE trial as being high quality and claim the protocol changes were acceptable even when challenged by patient comments.
Well, at first I grumbled, but then I thought I would let it pass. After all there is plenty to talk about in this book without getting stuck on these side issues. It turns out, however, that this kind of thing is exactly where Scott-Phillips' theory fails to satisfy. It claims to be the whole story when it is part of the story. It claims to have figured humans out when it doesn't even notice that we all have sides that defy efficiency and information.
Coercion, persuasion and education. Whether it is formal or informal, social media or whatever, there is a huge need for education on the miracle of vaccination. Nobody I talk to has any idea of the history of these diseases and what a scourge they were. They see Mercola write things like measles is nothing, all I remember is spending a week in bed reading comics. These diseases have become distant and forgotten, which is good, but we need to be reminded strongly how we got here and how quickly we can go back.
@Anthony: It wouldn't eliminate complaints about coercion from the people already inclined to make those complaints under the current system, no. But currently the complaints can only be countered by a vague pointing at the general concept of herd immunity. Tie it to a quota system, and every single anti-vaxxer complaining about coercion will in effect be talking about a specific ill person they want kicked out of the quota on their behalf, or they will be trying to explain why they're so special that they deserve to be the one who brings the percent of immune people from above the safe level to below it. 59ce067264